Inchture Area Community Council
Serving the parishes of Inchture, Abernyte, Kinnaird and Rait
ON THURSDAY 3rd November 2016
Serving the parishes of Inchture, Abernyte, Kinnaird and Rait
ON THURSDAY 3rd November 2016
PRESENT L. McFarlane, D.Henderson, T. Woodford
APOLOGIES A. Bailey, D. Sword, B. Bird
Minutes from the Sept meeting were available and proposed by D. Henderson, and seconded by M. Roberts (in absentia from the meeting).
The police were not present at the meeting, but recent activity was discussed. Highlighted was a theft from a house in Kinnaird three weeks ago. The culprits almost apprehended on site, and the understanding is that police have made an arrest. There was also a break in at a house in Knapp recently.
It was noted that there has been a lot of discussion on social media about the play area in Muir homes. It was noted that if anything is communicated to the local council, then the potential exists to mention to the police.
Speeding/parking in Inchture – no further comment has been raised by any members of the public to the community council, although there have been some temporary issues in the main street with traffic for building works.
Alasdair Bailey is continuing to follow on potential issues on the A90 following the recent accident.
Speeding on the high carse road was mentioned as an issue - to be monitored for any further action.
Recent reliability of the 16 bus service was discussed, as there have been concerns expressed on reliability of the service. Advice discussed was to keep a log of any incidents and also phone up the operator at the time of incidents. The possibility of a freedom of information request on bus service statistics was discussed - this will be considered again at future meetings..
Also discussed was the fact that "Pothole weather" is coming soon – any issues identified should be phoned in as soon as possible.
Abernyte is now on formal list of schools to be reviewed. The situation will be reviewed at the end of the school year.
A committee for MUGA at Inchture primary school is now in operation, and the MUGA is now open and being used by the school. Usage arrangements for other groups are to be established during the coming months – there will likely be an on-line payment system for usage.
Nothing more to report.
The entire village of Inchture now benefits from the government supported superfast broadband upgrade and for those in outlying areas, the fixed wireless broadband provider Fibrecast ( plans to provide service to the area. Those outwith the BT coverage area should explore options such as Fibrecast because it seems unlikely that BT/scottish government will conduct any further works in the area for some years now.
An application in for planning in principle in Kinniard which is potentially controversial was discussed. Neighbours had previously had been given assurances that there would be no further development, and private road access is poor and only sustainable for number of houses which there are around the site. Mac Roberts will speak to the planning officer.
No other specific planning issues were discussed, although it was noticed that the old Hotel in Errol is to be demolished and flats built.
The council have recently received our council grant to make our overall balance up to approx £700. Recent expenses include £38.50 for the Village hall hire, £20 for the meeting in rait, £30 for the meeting in Abernyte and £45.95 for the website.
Perth and Kinross Council approached the Community Council during the summer regarding a potential refurbishment of the play area at the end of Colonsay Drive. A.Bailey continuing to follow up with PKC.
A number of people from Inchture (approx 14) went to Fleac towards the end of the summer and a twinning celebration - all of the events held were very successful. The next fundraising event is anticipated to be a Burns Supper on the 21st January.
No other items mentioned.
It was noted that the Community Council usually holds a meeting in March and so one has been added to take place at Inchture on 2nd March 2017.
5th January 2017 - Inchture Village Hall
2nd March 2017 - Inchture Village Hall
6th April 2017 - Kinnaird Church
APOLOGIES A. Bailey, D. Sword, B. Bird
Minutes from the Sept meeting were available and proposed by D. Henderson, and seconded by M. Roberts (in absentia from the meeting).
The police were not present at the meeting, but recent activity was discussed. Highlighted was a theft from a house in Kinnaird three weeks ago. The culprits almost apprehended on site, and the understanding is that police have made an arrest. There was also a break in at a house in Knapp recently.
It was noted that there has been a lot of discussion on social media about the play area in Muir homes. It was noted that if anything is communicated to the local council, then the potential exists to mention to the police.
Speeding/parking in Inchture – no further comment has been raised by any members of the public to the community council, although there have been some temporary issues in the main street with traffic for building works.
Alasdair Bailey is continuing to follow on potential issues on the A90 following the recent accident.
Speeding on the high carse road was mentioned as an issue - to be monitored for any further action.
Recent reliability of the 16 bus service was discussed, as there have been concerns expressed on reliability of the service. Advice discussed was to keep a log of any incidents and also phone up the operator at the time of incidents. The possibility of a freedom of information request on bus service statistics was discussed - this will be considered again at future meetings..
Also discussed was the fact that "Pothole weather" is coming soon – any issues identified should be phoned in as soon as possible.
Abernyte is now on formal list of schools to be reviewed. The situation will be reviewed at the end of the school year.
A committee for MUGA at Inchture primary school is now in operation, and the MUGA is now open and being used by the school. Usage arrangements for other groups are to be established during the coming months – there will likely be an on-line payment system for usage.
Nothing more to report.
The entire village of Inchture now benefits from the government supported superfast broadband upgrade and for those in outlying areas, the fixed wireless broadband provider Fibrecast ( plans to provide service to the area. Those outwith the BT coverage area should explore options such as Fibrecast because it seems unlikely that BT/scottish government will conduct any further works in the area for some years now.
An application in for planning in principle in Kinniard which is potentially controversial was discussed. Neighbours had previously had been given assurances that there would be no further development, and private road access is poor and only sustainable for number of houses which there are around the site. Mac Roberts will speak to the planning officer.
No other specific planning issues were discussed, although it was noticed that the old Hotel in Errol is to be demolished and flats built.
The council have recently received our council grant to make our overall balance up to approx £700. Recent expenses include £38.50 for the Village hall hire, £20 for the meeting in rait, £30 for the meeting in Abernyte and £45.95 for the website.
Perth and Kinross Council approached the Community Council during the summer regarding a potential refurbishment of the play area at the end of Colonsay Drive. A.Bailey continuing to follow up with PKC.
A number of people from Inchture (approx 14) went to Fleac towards the end of the summer and a twinning celebration - all of the events held were very successful. The next fundraising event is anticipated to be a Burns Supper on the 21st January.
No other items mentioned.
It was noted that the Community Council usually holds a meeting in March and so one has been added to take place at Inchture on 2nd March 2017.
5th January 2017 - Inchture Village Hall
2nd March 2017 - Inchture Village Hall
6th April 2017 - Kinnaird Church